Gumbo was asking how to reconcile the Russell count ( and the ending diagonal that I showed in my last post: This is Why Columbia Rocks
Here is my take on that scenario (using the Russell Futures). I think a Minor 2 on the Russell fits very nicely with a Minor C Ending Diagonal for Intermediate Y of P2 for the broader markets.

A Word on counts vs. attitude
Here is a comment I left on Columbia's weekend post:
Col said: On paper, I am very short-term bullish, but in real life I am bearish, to me what little upside there maybe available, it is not worth the risk of a major sell-off happening at any time, with-out warning.
binve replied: EXACTLY! I love how in the CIL we have both been labeled as "bullish" ... LOL!!! Just because we acknowledge that the count makes a higher high does not make us bullish. I don't think we could find two bigger bears than us :). And in a way, I am *happy* to get one last move up. Not to be long, but to get a better deal on shorts :)