I stated my fundamental case for being bullish, as well as the technical case. My technical observation was that the pattern was consolidating in a very large bullish continuation triangle. Since November, the last wave of the triangle has itself become a triangle. You think of triangles like a spring being compressed. It is a balanced fight between bulls and bears right to the apex.
And I believe the next move out of the triangle will be a thrust up.
This is NOT ADVICE!. Just letting you know in case you want to keep this on your radar.
Disclosure: I am long Hathor

Addition 11:00 - I posted this earlier today because I saw that it was starting to break out. But then I forgot all about it in during the bearish excitement. As I was updating charts tonight, I find a very nice surprise on the Hathor chart :)
Looks like we are getting the breakout!

Addition Feb 25
And just to keep track of the record
First Hathor post (11/15/09) - HAT.V (1.90) and HTHXF (1.82)
Second Hathor post (2/23/10) - HAT.V (1.97) and HTHXF (1.89)
Current price (2/15/10 - 12:30) - HAT.V (2.17) and HTHXF (2.10)