I analyze macroeconomic issues from a fundamental perspective, and I analyze market behavior from a technical perspective. Original macroeconomic analysis can be found here and both macro analysis and commentary can be found on my Caps blog. If you like or appreciate my analysis, please add yourself to my Following List

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18

This corrective wave continues to be inscrutable to me.

The 60-minute system is still getting faked out / thrown around. Because we keep getting spike bottoms and tops on no divergence. So I am getting no normal exit signals and only emergency signals.

Oddly, my 15-minute system (which I stopped publishing in Oct 2011) is working quite well in this environment. There is just enough volatile non-trending movement with divergences that manifest on the 15-min timeframe that it can take advantage of and is giving clear signals.

The last few signals from the 15-minute system:

S/L           OPEN      PRICE        CLOSE      PRICE   GAIN
SHORT   5/30/2012 9:45  132.17  6/4/2012 14:30  127.91  3.22%
LONG    6/4/2012 14:30  127.91  6/7/2012 15:15  132.45  3.55%
SHORT   6/7/2012 15:15  132.45  6/14/2012 11:30 133.15  -0.53%
LONG    6/14/2012 11:30 133.15  6/20/2012 9:45  135.49  1.76%
SHORT   6/20/2012 9:45  135.49  6/25/2012 15:15 131.41  3.01%
LONG    6/25/2012 15:15 131.41  6/28/2012 9:30  132.25  0.64%
SHORT   6/28/2012 9:30  132.25  6/28/2012 15:45 132.79  -0.41%
LONG    6/28/2012 15:45 132.79  7/5/2012 9:45   136.82  3.03%
SHORT   7/5/2012 9:45   136.82  7/12/2012 14:00 133.75  2.24%
LONG    7/12/2012 14:00 133.75  7/16/2012 10:30 135.06  0.98%
SHORT   7/16/2012 10:30 135.06  7/17/2012 12:15 135.98  -0.68%
LONG    7/17/2012 12:15 135.98  open

Based on the phasing of signals, I would expect a roll-over in the next couple of days. This would be consistent with my 'corrective' 60-min MACD setting in the chart below.

I still think the move up is very corrective and this is my best (and likely incorrect) guess as to what's happening.

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